Launchnodes Provision of LACChain Open Protestnet Nodes
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Launchnodes enables your organisation to be part of the Latin America and the Caribbean intelligent internet for inclusion, a blockchain infrastructure designed for enabling inclusive and scalable projects and solutions on the web 3.0.
Launchnodes provides Fast LACChain Pro-Testnet node set up.
Launchnodes LACNet nodes offers guaranteed orchestration in a completely secure environment in compliance with international standards, with 24/7 monitoring and an immediate response protocol.
LACNet offers memberships with a service level agreement that guarantees individualised support for the decentralized operation of nodes through a client portal.
LACNet is an international non-profit association that results from the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC in collaboration with IDB Lab. LACNet has been created by the LACChain Global Alliance to orchestrate the LACChain blockchain networks guaranteeing neutrality and sustainability.
To understand more about LACNet Open Protestnet network nodes visit their website.
These instructions allow you to deploy your Testnet node on AWS and join the largest public-permissioned blockchain network.