Launchnodes Provision of LACChain Mainnet Nodes
Spanish version
Mainnet instructions
LACNet offers organisations the possibility of deploying their own nodes in the LACNet Mainnet Omega regional network built with Hypderledger Besu technology (Ethereum-based), allowing your organisation to develop your blockchain solutions and projects in a simple, sustainable and scalable way. Leveraging the legal and governance framework provided by LACNet and IADB.
The LACNet Mainnet Omega network is the evolution of LACChain's Pro-Testnet network used by more than 80 entities and 50 projects as their collateral blockchain infrastructure.
To deploy writer nodes that can send transactions to the Mainnet, we offer you three different membership packages, and you can contract the one that best suits your network and technical support needs. Additionally, you can also use Pro-Testnet if you are in a temporary testing phase.
Joining Mainnet
LACNet Mainnet is a permissioned blockchain network and your organisation needs to apply here to be approved to join mainnet.
Once your application has been successful and LACNet have approved your organisation and confirmed your membership you will be able to set up a mainnet node on AWS, using the following set up instructions.
The workflow diagram highlights the steps you need to be approved and information you need to share with LACNet and then how you purchase your membership on AWS and then go on to set up your node.
Last updated