EKS Cluster Creation

Creating EKS Cluster over private network using CloudFormation template

Objective: The objective of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to create EKS cluster, VPC Private network, LACChain Writer nodes over K8s deployment. Ensure that you meet requirements. If any issues or errors occur during the process, please consult us or contact the AWS support team for assistance.


  1. Access to the AWS Management Console.

  2. CloudFormation template file (e.g., CFT-EKS-LN-1.0.yaml) prepared for EKS stack creation.


Below is a video guide for the following instructions:

Step 1: Access the AWS Management Console

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the AWS Management Console (https://console.aws.amazon.com).

  2. Enter your login credentials to access your AWS account.

Step 2: Navigate to the CloudFormation Service

  1. Once logged in, search for "CloudFormation" in the AWS Management Console search bar.

  2. Click on the "CloudFormation" service from the search results to open the CloudFormation dashboard.

Step 3: Create a New Stack

  1. In the CloudFormation dashboard, click on the "Create stack" button to start the stack creation process.

  2. Under Specify Template, choose the Template Source as Amazon S3 URL and enter the following URL below and click Next

  1. Click on the "Next" button to proceed.

Step 4: Specify Stack Details

  1. Provide a stack name that identifies your EKS stack (e.g., MyEKSStack).

  2. Fill in any required parameters prompted by the CloudFormation template.( KeyPair, Instance Type)

  3. Review the other options and settings as per your requirements.

  4. Click on the "Next" button to proceed.

Step 5: Configure Stack Options (Optional)

  1. If required, configure additional stack options such as tags, permissions, and advanced settings.

  2. Review the options and make necessary changes.

  3. Click on the "Next" button to proceed.

Step 6: Review and Create the Stack

  1. Review the stack details, parameters, and options on the final page.

  2. Double-check that all the information is accurate and meets your requirements.

  3. Click on the "Create stack" button to start creating the EKS stack.

Step 7: Monitor Stack Creation Progress

  1. You will be redirected to the stack detail page, where you can monitor the stack creation progress.

  2. Refresh the page periodically to see the status updates.

  3. Wait until the stack reaches the "CREATE_COMPLETE" status. This may take a few minutes.(Approx 15 mins)

Step 8: Validation: Access the Created EKS Cluster

  1. Once the stack creation is complete, navigate to the AWS Management Console homepage.

  2. Search for "EKS" in the search bar and click on the "Amazon EKS" service from the search results.

  3. In the Amazon EKS console, you will find your created EKS cluster.

Now proceed to Stage 2: Creating Identity Provider for EKS Cluster.

Last updated