How to withdraw staked ETH/stETH/wstETH?
Follow the steps below to withdraw your ETH/stETH/wstETH and stop donating.
Last updated
Follow the steps below to withdraw your ETH/stETH/wstETH and stop donating.
Last updated
Connect your wallet to the LIS web app
Go to Withdraw page (header menu)
You need to request your withdrawal, and it will take from 1-4 days to get processed
To request a new withdrawal, select the cause (under Rewards and Donations) you would like to withdraw your stake from
Select the specific stake you would like to withdraw
Enter the ETH amount or click on MAX to withdraw the whole stake
Click Withdraw
Once this is done, your withdrawal request will appear as Pending in the Claim tab. You will be able to make the withdrawal once its status changes to Claim in the Claim tab.
Follow the steps below to withdraw your stETH or wstETH and stop staking and donating.
Connect your wallet to the LIS web app
Go to Withdraw page (header menu)
First, you need to request your withdrawal, and it will take from 1-5 minutes to get processed
To request a new withdrawal, select the cause (under Rewards and Donations) you would like to withdraw your stake from
Select the specific stake you would like to withdraw
Enter the stETH/wstETH amount or click on MAX to withdraw the whole stake. You can also withdraw less than your maximum amount staked.
Click Withdraw
Once the transaction is processed your requested funds will be deposited and reflected in your wallet
Lido's wei corner case
stETH balance calculation includes integer division, and there is a common case when the whole stETH balance can't be transferred from the account while leaving the last 1-2 wei on the smart contract. The same thing can actually happen at any transfer or deposit transaction. 1 wei = 0.000000000000000001 ETH Ref :-