💰Withdrawals Enabled

This guide is for the users who receive excess of 32ETH to their withdrawal wallet address on regular basis.

Exit as a Validator

  • Enabled withdrawals implies that you are 0x01 credential right now and in order to restake with EigenLayer, you will need to exit as a validator.

  • Follow the instructions in the guide - exist as a validator.

  • Wait until you have successfully exited as a validator.

Clear the existing Infrastructure

  • Log in to your AWS console.

  • Search for "CloudFormation" in the search bar.

  • You will find two stacks here - Service-creation-stack and Cluster-creation-stack.

  • Check the box for Service-creation-stack and hit delete. Wait for the stack to be deleted.

  • Once deleted, check the box for Cluster-creation-stak and hit delete.

  • Once both the stacks are deleted, make sure you have a clean infrastructure.

To confirm that everything is completed successfully -

  • Search for ECS in the AWS Console.

  • You should NOT find any clusters here.

  • Search for EC2 in the AWS Console

  • Click on Instances(Running).

  • You should NOT find any instances here.

If you DO find anything, simply delete them.

Create an EigenPod Address

  • Now, head to EigenLayer and click Restake

  • Connect your wallet with 32ETH on it

  • Click on Beacon Chain Ether under Native Restaking

  • Click on Create Eigenpod

  • Copy your Eigenpod address and keep it with you.

Next Step

Navigate to Cluster Creation and follow all steps including those that are listed on Deposit Mainnet Ethereum From Launchpad (New User) page.

Make sure you provide your EigenPod Address, when prompted to provide withdrawal address

Last updated