🛒Product Purchase

Here are a few steps you need to follow in order to purchase a validator node product from AWS marketplace. If you have already done this please move to the section below Key Pair Generation.

  • Go to the Validator product.

  • Click on Continue to subscribe

  • Click on accept terms

  • Click on configure contract to configure product licence for a year.

  • Now, select “Unit type” as ECS tasks from Contract options and select licence quantity as 1 If you want to run one validator node otherwise go with multiple as per your requirement.

  • Click on the create contract button and confirm your contract details. Now, You have a valid subscription.

Note: If you already have one cluster running and want to create another cluster then use the following documentation.

Pricing: Your annual costs, paid hourly by default are: Validator node license fee: $240 AWS infrastructure: up to $120 per node depending on how many nodes you run per instance and which instance you use. The more nodes you run per instance, the cheaper this cost will be.