Deploying a validator node via Staking UI

Step 1: AWS

Setting up your instance

  1. Visit the Prysmatic Validator node page on AWS and click Continue to Subscribe

  2. Click on Accept Terms. Wait for the Effective Date and Expiration Date to change in status from Pending

  3. Click on Configure Contract to configure product licence for a year

  4. Now, Under Contract Options select “Unit type” as ECS tasks and choose the licence quantity as 1 or any other number that is the same as the number of nodes you are looking to run

  5. For a yearly subscription, click Create Contract and confirm your contract details. Now, You have a valid subscription. For an hourly subscription, simply click on Continue to Configuration

  6. Skip Configure this Software and click Continue to Launch

  7. Navigate to AWS Console (click on your account name in the top right corner and select Your AWS Console) and look up CloudFormation. Alternatively, click here to go directly to CloudFormation.

  8. In CloudFormation, click Create Stack and insert the below link in the Amazon S3 URL field. Click Next.
  1. On the Specify stack details page:

    1. Type in the Stack name (it can be any name)

    2. Under Instance type select t2.small (this instance can run up to 2 nodes)

    3. Under CustomIP type in your current IP address. If you cannot find it, you can look it up online by searching for my IP address. Click Next

  2. Skip the next page and click Next

  3. Scroll down the next page and tick the 'I acknowledge...' box. Click Submit

  4. Your AWS instance is now being deployed. Wait until the status of your instance on the left hand side changes from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE. Whilst you wait, click on the refresh button a few times to update the status. Please note that you do not have to wait for all processes to be completed in the right-hand side Events window, Just the left-hand side.

  5. Now, go to Outputs tab and click on the IP link to launch Staking UI on your instance

Video Walkthrough:

Step 2: Staking UI

Deploying a new validator node

  1. Staking UI should open in the new tab of the browser you are using. We recommend using Google Chrome as it works with the Metamask wallet extension

  2. Close the SSL Certificate pop up and click on Start the node process set up

  3. Click on Create new validator keys and pass through the next page via Create button

  4. Copy and save your recovery phrase and click Next.

Make sure you save your recovery phrase/mnemonics safely. It is one of the most important component for your validator node. If you loose your mnemonics, you might loose access to your validator keys.

  1. Under the Recovery Phrase Check window insert the missing recovery phrase words to check that you have them saved correctly. Click Next

  2. In the next window, select the number of validator nodes you are looking to spin up, type in a validator node password, insert Lido withdrawal vault address and click Next.

Make sure you keep your validator node password safe.

Note: Once the withdrawal address is provided, it cannot be changed. Make sure you double check the wallet address that you are providing.

Testnet(Holesky) Withdrawal Address:


The above addresses are as per CSM official document, when we curated these steps. Please double check Withdrawal Vault address on the official Lido website before proceeding.

For reference -

  1. Your keys have now been created and you need to save a copy of them on your PC. Original copy is automatically saved on your instance

  2. Click through the next window

  3. Type in your new validator node wallet password and click Create.

Make sure you save these password(s) safely. You will need them in if and when you decide to withdraw your funds and exit as a validator.

  1. When prompted to provide the fee recipient address, provide the CSM Fee reciepent address.

Testnet (Holesky) fee recipient address:


The above addresses are as per CSM official document, when we curated these steps. Please double check Execution Layer Rewards Vault address on the official Lido website before proceeding.

For reference -

  1. It’s now time to start your node. Click on Start Validator and wait for the node to spin up as per instructions on the page. Proceed to the next step

  2. This is the last step of the Staking UI. You now need to go to CSM Portal and upload your deposit data file and submit a bond. The below are the detailed instructions.

Step 3: Joining CSM

  1. Go to and connect your wallet.

  2. Click on "Become a Node Operator"

  3. Select the wallet of your choice to upload a bond.

  4. Upload your deposit-data.json file. This file would have been generated in the Key Generation step.

  5. The Bond ETH amount will be calculated automatically based on the number of keys and the bond curve.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. Once you process the transaction on your wallet and deposit the required bond amount, wait for your CSM validator keys to be deposited with 32ETH through the protocol and make sure your node remains online in the meantime.

Video Walkthrough:

Last updated