Updating Backend Image
Open your AWS console and login into your account.
Open Elastic Container Service(ECS) from the console.
Click on your created cluster.
You will be able to see services which are already running inside your cluster. There will be 3 services already running inside your cluster one is the gateway related service(you are likely to have named this the Validator-Gateway-Service or something similar), second one is the backend related service(you are likely to have named this the Backend-service) and the third one is the frontend related service(you are likely to have named this the Frontend-service)
Click on Backend-service and move to "Configuration and Networking" tab.
Click on the Task definition.
On top right, you will find Create new revision button. Select "Create new revision with JSON" .
In the JSON file, replace image
Scroll down and click on create. Now new revision is created.
Go back to validator cluster, select Backend-service and click on update service.
In the update page, tick the "force new deployment" box and select the latest revision.
Scroll down and click on update.
Last updated