Updating Frontend Image

  • Open your AWS console and login into your account.

  • Open Elastic Container Service(ECS) from the console.

  • Click on your created cluster.

  • You will be able to see services which are already running inside your cluster. There will be 3 services already running inside your cluster one is the gateway related service(you are likely to have named this the Validator-Gateway-Service or something similar), second one is the backend related service(you are likely to have named this the Backend-service) and the third one is the frontend related service(you are likely to have named this the Frontend-service)

  • Click on Frontend-service and move to "Configuration and Networking" tab.

  • Click on the Task definition.

  • On top right, you will find Create new revision button. Select "Create new revision with JSON" .

  • In the JSON file, replace image

  • Scroll down and click on create. Now new revision is created.

  • Go back to validator cluster, select Frontend-service and click on update service.

  • In the update page, tick the "force new deployment" box and select the latest revision.

  • Scroll down and click on update.

Last updated