Updating your node / Rollbacks

Being a solo staker means that the node and the infrastructure it runs on belong to you. This is why infrequent updates that get rolled out by the client teams will need to be deployed by you. Staking UI simplifies the process of updating your node, it happens with a single click.

In order to update your node to the latest version follow these steps:

  1. Open your Staking UI dashboard

  2. Navigate to Validator Management in the left-hand menu

  3. Select Node Update

  4. Click Update

These simple steps let you update your nodes to the latest version of the validator client. Launchnodes verifies each update released by the client teams before making it available in the Dashboard. If you need to roll back to a previous version, the Staking UI lets you do that easily.

Please note that to receive updates from Launchnodes promptly, it is best to subscribe to our free enhanced support.